Friday, April 3, 2009

Nicole Update

So, our little Nicole is 9 months old (as of April 2nd). She is army crawling everywhere. I put her down in the middle of the room and the next thing I know, she is by my feet in the kitchen. She is so fast. She also loves Danielle's crocs, so we will need to get some crocs for her.

I take her in about 2 weeks for her 9 month appointment, so I will let everyone know how that went.

Nicole is also eating more solids and loves it. She is not a big fan of veggies, but who is??? She loves fruit and she is so interested in what Jeremy and I are eating, so it's going to be fun to have both girls eating big kid food.

She is not spitting up with this new formula. We changed formula back in November from Similac (which Danielle was on and didn't have any problems) to Enfamil and it has been amazing for Nicole. She holds the bottle by herself and then she will give you a little burp and is off to play or go to sleep. Nicole is also an amazing sleeper. Both girls are great sleepers and we have been so lucky that they both sleep through the night.

Here is a picture of her at our babysitter's house.

Until next time...


Brittney said...

wow, 9 months already. she is growing up fast!!! now it starts getting so fun, i remember crying because libby was growing up so fast, but when they are about 8 months + its way more fun, they are so full of personality and wonder!

Cassy Taylor said...

Yep, toddlers sure keep you on your toes! And how fun Danielle is getting potty trained-I can sure understand the excitement. We need to get on the ball with our boy. And your family pix are way cute! Sorry we haven't gotten together yet. My son will be having a b-day party soon. Maybe your family can come to that.

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

I love your family pictures. I'm sure that you have heard this before but Danielle has such beautiful eyes! Where did she get the blue eyes? It is so exciting that Nicole is crawling and Danielle is potty training. I love watching kids learn and grow.