Monday, November 10, 2008

Danielle at Baton Competition

So, most of you all know that I used to twirl baton from the age of three up until I was about 15. There is a competition around Halloween time that you can enter, but you have to be in your halloween costume and the judge will pick their favorite. My sister and I used to do these when we were twirling and now our daughters are in it. That just sounds weird :) But this year, Danielle was Belle and my neice was a cat.

Now here is a picture of me, maybe when I was 4 years old, in the house I grew up. Who knows if Danielle or even Nicole will follow in my foot-steps. I am sure grandma would love to make costumes for them...


Brittney said...

what a cute baton twirler you were! there is nothing cuter than seeing our kids do what we did as kids! great new post:) cant wait for bunco, i still owe you $$!

KaNdRa and JaReD said...

What great costumes. I bet it is fun having girls you can dress up. They are such pretty girls.I forgot that you could throw the baton.